Farnaz Rabieijah



Cardiac cycle


No Man's Land


Where I End and You Begin

“Where I End and You Begin”

Whenever I participate in a funeral ceremony, the atmosphere affects me; I find myself surrounded by the souls of the people who once were alive, who lived their lives with hope but are no longer. We are a part of their legacy and their presence is felt in the world that surrounds us. We are all a part of a chain as are many generations that will live after us.
In “Reminiscence” from “The Spinning Plate” series, by fossil-like traces of plants on paper, I wanted to connect the cycle of human’s life to that of the nature. The process of pressing the plants on sheets leaves a void, like a trail of the perfume of a person who has walked away from us forever.
In “Where I End and You Begin”of same series, I have buried (left) flowers and leaves of plants in concrete, parts of plant are in the concrete and parts are out. Flowers that are laid on gravestones are part of the cycle of life and will inevitably become part of the soil.